Friday, July 3, 2020

Trump is a White Supremacist, Here are the Receipts

Trump is a white supremacist, and he's trying very hard to help fascism take hold in the United States. Don't believe me? Read until the end, then decide for yourself, and bear in mind that while I'm only providing one or two links to support each statement, I could provide hundreds more to prove my point.

About a week after the Trump campaign airs 88 identical ads featuring a Nazi symbol (A Nazi concentration camp badge for political prisoners), and a first sentence with 14 words (please read about the significance of 14 88 for white supremacists)...

He does more marketing using Nazi dog whistles.

He shares a video of one of his supporters yelling "white power."

Stephen Miller, Trump's senior policy advisor, is a white nationalist.

Steve Bannon, his former chief strategist, is a white nationalist who gave white supremacists “the platform of the alt-right,” in Breitbart.

The KKK ran a front page ad in their official paper endorsing Trump, and it took him nearly a year to denounce them, despite constant questioning about it. He also uses a campaign slogan that has been used for a long time by the KKK.

Trump has made racist comments from the beginning.

Trump has explicitly called for taking away people's 2nd and 5th amendment rights.

Trump has repeatedly tried to strip people's first amendment rights; The Freedom of the press, and the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

He's even called for depriving people of due process, in stripping of people's 2nd Amendment rights, and immediate deportation for undocumented immigrants.

Trump refused to condemn Steve King's explicitly white supremacist comments.

And has on several times referred to white supremacists as very fine people, even after they murdered Heather Heyer in broad daylight, and has defended Confederate icons.

Trump used intentional cruelty as a deterrent by tearing apart migrant families at the border.

He stripped away transgender rights during pride month

And tried to throw a rally on Juneteenth, which commemorates the end of slavery, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the site of one of the worst incidents of racial violence in the country's history.

Trump is a white supremacist, actively and aggressively stripping Americans of their rights while dismantling our government and installing a loyalist, fascist rule, where he has literally claimed in court that he's above the law as long as he remains in office.

He has talked repeatedly about staying in office well beyond term limits.

And threatened violence and imprisonment against his political foes, even going so far as offering to pay the legal bills if his supporters commit violence on his behalf.

He has encouraged police to use excessive force.

And has lied more than 19,000 times while in office

Trump is trying to classify a nonexistent organization, AntiFa, which literally just means anti-fascist, as terrorists. He's trying to make fighting against fascism equivalent to terrorism. Read that again slowly.

Trump's own former Secretary of Defense, Marine General James "Mad Dog" Mattis, became the only SECDEF in history to resign in protest, and recently said that Trump is a direct threat to the Constitution, and compared Trump's tactics to those the Nazis used to divide Germany.

Don't let party politics blind you to what's happening here.

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