Monday, November 25, 2019

Some Big Lies and Some Important Truth

I’d like to shed a little light on something the GOP has been doing that is directly detrimental to both Ukraine’s standing and the national security of the United States.

Let’s start with the conspiracy theory the GOP has been pushing; (from WikiPedia) A core part of the narrative is the long-debunked conspiracy theory that CrowdStrike, a publicly traded company headquartered in California, is actually owned by a wealthy Ukrainian oligarch, and that the company — which had investigated a hack of a Democratic National Committee (DNC) server — had planted evidence on the server to implicate Russia, while asserting the FBI had failed to take possession of the server to verify that claim. "The server" is in fact 140 servers, decommissioned and located in the United States (not Ukraine, as Trump has claimed). The theory additionally says FBI agents were not allowed to examine the server because such action would expose the DNC plot,although in fact—and as documented in the Mueller Report—images and traffic logs of the DNC servers were provided to the FBI. This conspiracy theory originated from a "GRU persona, 'Guccifer 2.0', created to cast doubt on Russia's culpability in the DNC [intrusion].

Now, let’s get to Fiona Hill’s testimony about the conspiracy theory that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 US election. For background, Fiona Hill was the White House’s top expert on Russia. Her official title was senior director for Europe and Russia on the National Security Council. She was the foremost expert on Russia in the Trump administration. She’s widely respected and knows better than anyone what Russia has been doing.

“Based on questions and statements I have heard, some of you on this committee appear to believe that Russia and its security services did not conduct a campaign against our country – and that perhaps, somehow, for some reason, Ukraine did. This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves."

"The impact of the successful 2016 Russian campaign remains evident today. Our nation is being torn apart. Truth is questioned. Our highly professional and expert career Foreign Service is being undermined. I refuse to be part of an effort to legitimize an alternate narrative that the Ukrainian government is a U.S. adversary, and that Ukraine - not Russia - attacked us in 2016, these fictions are harmful even if they are deployed for purely domestic political purposes."

Now that we know the details of the conspiracy theory, and that it has been completely, thoroughly, and repeatedly debunked, let’s get to where it came from and why it matters.

The first documented evidence of the conspiracy theory being pushed was from Paul Manafort, who was at the time the Trump campaign chairman (and is now imprisoned for Conspiracy against the United States, among other things), who received that info from Konstantin Kilimnik, who is widely believed by both federal prosecutors and US intelligence agencies to be tied to Russian intelligence. Trump has also received the info directly from Putin on several occasions.

An argument could be made that they received false information and were only acting with the information that they had. Well, the President and Senators have been thoroughly briefed by the US intelligence community on the fact that it’s a completely baseless conspiracy theory being pushed by Russian intelligence, and they are still pushing that theory. Devin Nunes, who is the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence committee, and led the GOP during the impeachment hearings, received constant classified briefings during the Mueller investigation and from other sources because of his position, and has been knowingly pushing a false conspiracy theory. In recent days, it has also come to light that he allegedly worked with Lev Parnas, Giuliani’s now-indicted associate, to try to personally dig up dirt on the Bidens after he met with corrupt former Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin in Vienna, Austria, between November and December 2018, on a secret trip that cost taxpayers $57,000. Nunes was working with Parnas to set up a trip to Ukraine to meet with Ukrainian prosecutors who might have information beneficial to Trump’s 2020 campaign. Nunes’ staff realized that going to Ukraine themselves would mean alerting Schiff to their plans, so they instead asked Parnas to set up the meetings for them over phone and Skype, which he did.

So, why is all of this important? Glad you asked. Republican Senators, Trump, and the senior Republican on the House Intelligence Committee (along with others) are all pushing a conspiracy theory that they not only *know* to be false, but that they know advances the Russian agenda and undermines the national security of the United States and one of our most important allies in the fight against Russia, and they’re all doing it expressly to protect Trump. They are knowingly hurting the United States and helping Russia for partisan, domestic political reasons. Not only that, they have a compromised and directly implicated Republican leading the GOP response to impeachment in the House. This is blatant corruption at the top levels of the Government that directly damages our country in innumerable ways. It's important that we look beyond partisan politics and see the bigger picture.

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