Friday, October 5, 2018

In which, Brett Kavanaugh says that Brett Kavanaugh is unfit for the Supreme Court (or any judicial position in general)

In which, Brett Kavanaugh says that Brett Kavanaugh is unfit for the Supreme Court (or any judicial position in general). All quotes are Kavanaugh and taken from his 2015 speech, his opening statement in the hearing, and his op-ed.

Kavanaugh's Standard (in his own words)
To be a good judge and a good umpire, it’s important to have the proper demeanor. Really important, I think. To walk in the others’ shoes, whether it be the other litigants, the litigants in the case, the other judges. To understand them. To keep our emotions in check. To be calm amidst the storm.

On the bench, to put it in the vernacular, don’t be a jerk. I think that’s important. To be a good umpire and a good judge, don’t be a jerk. In your opinions, to demonstrate civility—I think that’s important as well. To show, to help display, that you are trying to make the decision impartially and dispassionately based on the law and not based on your emotions

Kavanaugh disqualifying himself (in his own words)
I was very emotional last Thursday, more so than I have ever been. I might have been too emotional at times. I know that my tone was sharp, and I said a few things I should not have said.

Kavanaugh's Standard (in his own words)

As I explained that night, a good judge must be an umpire—a neutral and impartial arbiter who favors no political party, litigant or policy.

The Supreme Court must never be viewed as a partisan institution. The justices do not sit on opposite sides of an aisle.

A jurist must “avoid any semblance of…partisanship.”

Kavanaugh disqualifying himself (in his own words)

Since my nomination in July, there’s been a frenzy on the left to come up with something, anything to block my confirmation.

You sowed the wind for decades to come. I fear that the whole country will reap the whirlwinds. The behavior of several of the Democratic members of this committee at my hearing a few weeks ago was an embarrassment.

This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit, fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election, fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups.

This is a circus. The consequences will extend long past my nomination. The consequences will be with us for decades. This grotesque and coordinated character assassination will dissuade confident and good people of all political persuasions from serving our country. And as we all know in the United States political system of the early 2000s, what goes around comes around.